15 September 2010

Book Meme Interview: Leigh Wood

Okay, so I've been out of the virtual world and in my own fantasy drama as I edit my 100k epic kinky fantasy Horns of Myleness.

Then, of course, my webmaster Kristin sends me this Book Meme quiz that everyone sent her. She decides it would be awesome if every author in South Jersey would answer the interview and send it back to her for her South Jersey Books Examiner column. Spreading the word about reading, love of literature, you know all that!

So, someone had to go first, and it might as well be me. Otherwise, I'll never hear the end of it and never finish my naughty unicorn book.

So, without further adieu, here is my Book Meme answers, as posted also at the South Jersey Books Examiner and Amen!


Our first victim-er guest at South Jersey Books Examiner is Leigh Wood, author of the erotic science fiction novel On the Way to New Isosceles, available now in ebook formats, kindle and paperback from Eternal Press. Her next novel, a fantasy erotica tentatively titled Horns of Myleness, is due in 2012.

Book Meme Interview: Leigh Wood

A favorite childhood book?

Well there were a lot that is for sure! The first one that comes to mind, however, is Arabian Nights. I remember getting tired of my little children’s edition so I went to the library and checked out the big old classic 1,001 Nights. My initial reaction at seeing all the kinky stuff? This isn’t a kid’s book at all!

What are you reading right now?

What’s A Christian to do with Harry Potter? I’ve been going back to it off and on for awhile now. I try to alternate a fiction and non fiction read, but my reading schedule suffers when my writing schedule is crazy. I like a lot of what I call ‘Christian fantasy non fiction’ books. Some are great and have a nice vibe about what’s good and wholesome about the fantasy genre. Others are just too darn negative and oppressing.

Bad book habit?

Some would say having too many dang books is a bad habit. Instead of nice even rows, I have my shelves organized and alphabetized, but they have to be stacked and doubled, even triple rowed in some cases. My bad book habit is that I just don’t have enough shelves.

Do you have an e-reader?

Not yet. I’m waiting for prices to be super super affordable, or for a format or streamlining to come about. I don’t want to buy the wrong reader and end up with the poor betamax and HD DVD folks! But also, I like reading ebooks on a computer-call me crazy!- and I like reading the books that I have as books. I’m not ready for the traditional ways to go away at all. I hope they don’t. You can give a kid a silly pamphlet book and who cares if he tears it up or scribbles all over it in crayon- but a blackberry or nook? How can introduce ourselves to a love of books and reading with bytes and digital ink? I don’t think enough people treasure real books and yet we are replacing them for something I’m not always sure is better. But I love reading naughty ebooks at the same time, sue me.

Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?

I tried to read one book at a time, or maybe one novel and one non fiction or religious book, but usually one always gets left straggling behind- as I said especially if an editing binge comes calling!

Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?

I don’t think so, not my book reading habits. I do however think I’m becoming more anal when I read other peoples blogs, especially the ones with all the grammar problems, text speech typing, and no punctuations whatsoever. I wish there was a way where you could select a track changes red pencil option and let someone see how many mistakes are in their blog. Sure, I make mistakes, certainly, but omg ppl lrn how 2 %^&#$ spell!

How often do you read out of your comfort zone?

Most of the time actually. I wouldn’t say I necessarily have a reading zone. Unless I’m going through a long series, I’ll read just about anything that peaks my interests. My shelves have everything from bibles to porn and all that’s inbetween.

What is your reading comfort zone?

It’s probably easier to say what I don’t read, which is most straight romancey romance, modern thrillers and mysteries, young adult, or Jane Austen. I don’t like things sappy, I much prefer the smexy even if it isn’t straight up erotica. I don’t like the same old same old repetive mysteries that are around today, rather the spooky gothic classic mysteries. I’m not a young adult so I can’t really understand the appeal of older folks reading those books, and good got Austen just gets on my nerves. Ouch, I think my comfort zone is pretty broad, but damn harsh!

Can you read on the bus?

Yes. I might use my finger to follow along, which I don’t do normally, but if you’re into a book or it’s a boring ride, you do what you have to do. And if I may, for those who would say no to this question, then why are you ^&*($ texting while driving? End rant.

Favorite place to read?

Sweet Jesus anywhere! It makes me patient. If I have to wait in an office somewhere, I can always read. However, there’s also something magical about reading in the bathtub. Another thing you have to figure with an ereader and a baggie!

What is your policy on book lending?

People lend their books to other people, really? Good heavens, I am a hog, hog, hog, and guard my collection with my life. If someone is visiting, and I pull a book off a shelve for him to inspect, I stare incessantly until I can snatch the book back and put it in its proper place where it belongs.

Do you ever dog-ear books?

Not intentionally, no, it damages the book! But when you read a book over and over and lovely bend and flex its pages over time, imperfections can happen. Lord, I’ve taped books back together.

Do you ever write in the margins of your books?

Not unless it is a non fiction book or a writing book that I might be taking notes on, but that is rare. Usually I’ll highlight instead.

What is your favorite language to read in?

English! My French is just as not as good as it used to be, but I must confess, I enjoy it when I find a French website for some reason and am still able to read it and find my way around! I don’t write in other languages, even when my skills were top notch. I’m just too much of a perfectionist in English and can’t make my foreign writing as stellar as I want it to be.

What makes you love a book?

What’s not to love? The characters, the atmosphere, the story, the drama, the heartache, the pain, the conflict. It’s not flashy visuals for the eyes, it’s intellect for the soul.

What will inspire you to recommend a book?

If I laughed, cried, felt the earth move, or was otherwise forever changed as a human being from reading one sentence. When is there a time to not recommend a book?

Favorite genre?

Fantasy or science fiction and historicals. It wavers in phases of which like more. But any genre really, and usually with some sort of kinky to it. I like things mature and intelligent regardless.

Genre you rarely read (but wish you did?)

Usually I read something if I have a mind to- if only my parents could have stopped me from getting a hold of a book or two! I don’t see the appeal of Austen or Twilight at all though.

Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction)?

The Bible.

Favorite reading snack?

Anything and everything! Whatever baking bits I have left like cookies, or quick stuff like popcorn, and the usual chocolates. But not coffee! I hate coffee.

Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience.

Twilight. Snark.

How often do you agree with critics about a book?

Well, when critics review my books favorably, then its all the time!

If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you chose?

Latin. I learned enough of it in school back in the day-do they still even teach it? I like knowing enough of it to see the roots in words and see the relationships to other foreign words, but I can imagine a day when all the digital stuff is gone and we have to revert back to the basics. Best be prepared!

Most intimidating book you’ve ever read?

Mists of Avalon. It was the only Arthurian book I hadn’t read for years. I kept avoiding and avoiding it, and when I finally read it, I didn’t like it very much at all.

Favorite Poet?

Probably Lord Byron. I’m not one for Shakespeare’s sonnets, but love his plays, whether he wrote them or not ;0)

Favorite fictional villain?

The Ring. Whatever problems you’ve got going on, its evil relates!

The longest I’ve gone without reading.

A book, maybe a few weeks. Once I left a book in my desk at school for a whole weekend and was mortified and stir crazy until I could return on Monday and find it safely where I left it! I do however, read something daily, newspaper, magazine, book, articles. I think that type of reading is being phased out for the snappy 140 character limits online. Tragic.

Name a book that you could/would not finish.

I can’t ever get through The Three Musketeers. It’s probably a bad translation, but it just stinks from the start and I never finish. That and Ivanhoe. Hate it!

What distracts you easily when you’re reading?

Interruptions! Expressly being repeated bothered by the family, chores, cats. Music, television, noise, hours could pass and I wouldn’t even notice. I have to set alarms around the house so I remember when to break my reading or writing.

Favorite film adaptation of a novel?

Lord or the Rings is the easy one. Or Lady Chatterley ;0)

The most money I’ve ever spent in the bookstore at one time?

Don’t ask that! I remember getting several bags full of paperbacks for 10 cents each at a Thrift Store sale. My first reaction was to call my sister and tell her what a deal. She responded with, ’Mom’s going to kill you.’ I must have been the only kid growing up who got an allowance when I was going out and was told, ‘Please don’t buy anymore books. We can’t even get into your room. There are simply no more places to put bookshelves.’ My husband was just upset last night that he has a half of a bookshelf for his interests.

Do you like to keep your books organized?

Hell yes, but strangely, its in an arrangement that no one else can understand. Genre by shelf, then stacked according to title, size, and color.

Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?

To quote Lilly Tomlin in ‘Big Business’: Is a frog’s ass water tight?

Are there any books you’ve been avoiding?


Name a book that made you angry.


Favorite guilt-free, pleasure reading?

Penthouse Letters. That stuff isn’t even real!

Visit Leigh on her Facebook page!

09 March 2010

Please Don't Pass The (Irish) Coffee!

Hello my Erotica and science fiction Woody Peeps!

If you missed any part of our Behind the Scenes week at Novel Spot last month-yes it's March!- you can still catch all the archived action full of gems such as this:

Now I’m going to say something that many writers, booklovers, and laptop-toting cafĂ© goers won’t like. What is with the jittery need for java? I’m not a super health guru, but I’ve never liked coffee. It’s grainy, smells weird, stains your teeth and makes you hyper. Least of all, I simply don’t like the taste- no amount of fancy flavors or creamers can’t help me forget that after a few sips, it’s just coffee.

While some writers readily admit they love their coffee and are addicted to the caffeine wake-up just like everyone else, I don’t care for the seemingly magical properties of coffee to make one an author. Why do we always have these grandiose notions of adventurous and talented but tortured writers who need a hang up, feed, or addiction? Yes, coffee isn’t the opiums and laudanum or narcotics of old-or even the perpetually standard alcohol, but we don’t all require any of these in order to function as a writer. In fact, I agree when the experts say caffeine is merely a legal drug, and the jittery rushes and quick crashes don’t inspire, they have you running away from your desk for the next pick up.

I say if one needs an inspiration pick up, do it in a more healthy or fun manner. Instead of being the stereotypical writer up all night brewing pot after pot beside an ashtray full of cigarette butts and another dangling from the lips, find your own authorly ritual or treat. I’m not as fit as I should be by any means, but a physical activity before a writing session gets the mind and body juicy flowing. A brisk walk experiencing the outdoors or life away from your computer- and hey, take out the ear buds and put away the texting thumbs for the full effect of the world around you. Even a mundane march on the treadmill could get you thinking about your far away creative world and where to go next......

Read the rest right here:


While you're doing the virtual surf, you can also stop by Eternal Press' new website and pick up a copy of On the Way to New Isosceles! The kinks are still being worked out at the site, but if you're over 18, you can log in and get your naughty on!


Congrats also to Tracey, winner of a free PDF copy of On the Way to New Isosceles from our guest day at Roxanne's Realm! Look for us next as we drop by the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group March 16!


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

25 February 2010

Swing On, Sweet Iscosceles at Novel Spot!

Come one, come all lovers of books, erotica, the writer's life, and literary debate-for my Behind the Scenes series at Novel Spot is in full swing!


Join me all this week for my personal insights into writing habits, promotions, science fiction and fantasy discussion, and of course, behind the scenes genesis on my current Eternal Press release On the Way To New Isosceles as well as my current work in progress, a medieval erotica fantasy called Horns of Myleness.

Here's a tenative list of my topics for the week:

Day 1- Meet me, Leigh! and On the Way to New Isosceles

Day 2- Why Erotica?

Day 3- Please (Don’t) Pass the Coffee

Day 4- The Not so Pretty Writing Life

Day 5- The Pros and Cons of Social Marketing

Day 6- What’s Next?

Day 7- The Importance of P&P

You can catch up directly and follow us through Sunday for more of my outspoken and kinky craziness!


Whew! While this may be a lot of magic, more is still to come on the virtual tour for On the Way to New Isosceles! Our internet trail just keeps getting bigger and bigger! In addition to our excerpts and samples at our seller pages with Eternal Press, Fictionwise, and Amazon, you can catch up with the entire, space faring and kinky gang:

2/22-28 Behind the Scenes with Leigh at Novel Spot!

2/25- Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day

3/1 - Leigh Wood at Menagarie Authors!

3/2- Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day

3/3- Eternal Press Authors Chat Live 9 pm est at Romance Junkies!

3/4- Leigh Wood at Roxanne's Realm!

3/7- EP New Release Day Chat Part 7-11 pm est

3/9- EP Author's Blog Paranormal Day

3/16- Leigh Wood Guest Day at Kristin Battestella's Group

3/22- Leigh Wood at Brigit's World

3/25- Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day




And of course, if you're too shy to comment and say hi! you can always 'facebook me!'



Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles

by Leigh Wood

Available NOW from Eternal Press


16 February 2010

Upcoming Stops On the Way to New Isosceles!

I know there's been a few slow weeks built in around the holidays, but yet it seems like the virtual journey that follows On the Way to New Isosceles never stops!

Here's a quick list of where we'll be next!

Feb 22-26 Leigh Wood Behind the Scenes Week at Novel Spot! I've written a total of seven articles with crazy insights and writing inspirations, so check it out!

You can read my December interview with Novel Spot Here:


Okay, where else?

2/25 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day
3/2 Leigh Wood at Menagarie Authors
3/2 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day
3/3 EP Authors Live Chat 9 pm est at Romance Junkies
3/4 Leigh Wood at Roxanne's Realm
3/7 EP New Release Party and Live Chat 7-11 pm est
3/9 Eternal Press Author's Blog Paranormal Day
3/16 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Club
3/22 Leigh Wood at Brigit's World
3/25 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day

I don't do Fat Tuesday, of course, and there is a blank week for Holy Week, but after that the mayhem resumes now into June!


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

Another Day of Sweets and Mayhem with Leigh Wood!

Yes, the cake is baked for today and now it's time to put aside the domestic and talk books. Kinky books, sexy literature! That of course means my latest release from Eternal Press, On the Way to New Isosceles!

I don't expect a lot of responses today. The weather has been interfering with critical things here in NJ recently. You know, important stuff like electricity! ANd also, I imagine folks are watching the Olympics and all that magic, and of course, yahoo groups are well, yahoo groups.

Nevertheless! I'm going to post my usual links and contact information, in addition to chapter excerpts, secret samples and treats from my next novel Horns of Myleness, just so the archive is there for lurkers and whatnot.

So, have a piece of cake0and eat it too!- and hang out with me, Leigh, for a few!


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

28 January 2010

Onto Leigh's February Lovin'

Woody peeps, it's been a busy start to 2010 and there's no end in sight!

You can be part of all the action, sex, and excitemnet of my Eternal Press release On the Way to New Isosceles in more ways then an affordable purchase and great reading! Join me this February for twenty-eight days of real time interaction, fantasy fun, and literary mayhem.



In addition to my regular appearances at the Eternal Press Author's Blog and The Kristin Battestella Yahoo group, you can catch me live with Night Owl and for an entire week at Novel Spot this month! The kink continues into March, of course, with stops at Menagrie Authors and Roxanne's Realm. Yowza!

2/1 EP Live Chat 8 pm est at Night Owl Romance
2/2 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day
2/3 EP Live Chat 9 pm at Romance Junkies
2/7 Eternal Press New Releases Party and Author Chat
2/9 EP Author's Blog Paranormal Day
2/16 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Group
2/22-26 Leigh Wood Behind the Scenes Week at NovelSpot
2/25 EP Author's Blog Erotica Day
3/2 Leigh Wood Guest Day at Menagrie Authors
3/3 Leigh Wood Guest Day at Roxanne's Realm

Many readers and reviews have been asking about the proposed sequel to On the Way to New Isosceles. It may be a few years before we see it, as I'm editing my next book- a kinky fantasy called Horns of Myleness now. I sprinkled a few details of the sequel at my last appearance at the Kristin Battestella Group. In response to readers asking for more of Isosceles' secondary characters, I also posted a bit of cut material from an earlier draft with several more points of view. I'll get cracking and post things here or our livejournal page, eventually. You know me. I should get a bumper sticker that says 'I'd rather be writing!'


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

19 January 2010

A Literary Afternooner with Leigh Wood!

Alright Woody Peeps, it's time to snuggled up with me Leigh! Let's break this January chill with some hot chocolate and warm thoughts from my Eternal Press release On the Way to New Isosceles!

Today you can find me and the gang in not one, but two magical virtual locations! Today is the day for my visit at Dark Divas! You can read a little behind the scenes fun and a spicy R excerpt here:


We're not for the kiddies, you must remember! But of course, if you'd like some semi-real time chit chat with my crazy self, stop by the Kristin Battestella Yahoo group today for more excerpts and the latest news about my science fiction erotica tale.


Don't forget to check the group's calendar, too! Still more dates are being added, including an new Eternal Press Chat at Romance in the Backseat January 27!

A Literary Lunch Hour, I love it!


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

10 January 2010

More Praise for On the Way to New Isosceles!

The 2010 leg of our virtual tour for On the Way to New Isosceles is in high gear! And actually, folks, it's not even all me, Leigh, causing the trouble!

Check out the latest 3 Diva review for our science fiction erotica release from Eternal Press at Dark Diva Reviews!


Don't forget we'll be guest blogging at Dark Divas January 19!

I know, I know, you can't wait that long for your chance to win an ecopy of On the Way to New Isosceles! Of course, you can pick us up any time from Eternal Press or Fictionwise! Plenty of e formats for your readers or a paperback copy from Amazon for the old school folks! Then again, you can have your contest chance by joining me live 8 p.m. est Monday January 11 at Night Owl Romance. Chat and Prizes!





Remember, for a complete list of upcoming events and appearances, you can check out the Eternal Press calendar at fellow author Kristin Battestella's Group! We'll be visiting there all day January 19, too!


You can also do all the rss feed, friend, and follow magics at my Leigh Wood Blog or find us Facebook.


Where in the heck am I next? Break it down!

1/11 Leigh Wood Live Chat 8 p.m. at Night Owl Romance!
1/12 EP Author's Blog Paranormal Day
1/19 Leigh Wood Guest Blog Day at Dark Divas
1/19 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Group
1/28 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day
2/1 Eternal Press 8 p.m. Live Chat at Night Owl Romance
2/2 EP Author's Blog Erotica Day
2/3 Eternal Press 9 p.m. Live Chat at Romance Junkies!


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

07 January 2010

Another Sweet Review!

Yes, yes, My Woody Peeps! Not only can you spend some virtual live time with me 7 to 11 p.m. est tonight Thursday January 7 at the Eternal Press New Release Chat Party, but another review for On the Way to New Isosceles sings our praises!

"I love this new title from debut author, Leigh Wood. It was a fast paced, action fueled ride from start to finish with some amazing characters to keep you intrigued. ON THE WAY TO NEW ISOSCELES is a fun science fiction/futuristic story that leave you wishing for more when the last page is read. Ms. Wood is a talented author and storyteller. Her vivid world building will capture the imagination of her readers and I was lost in the story as I rooted for JJ and Rub to finally get together. With some wonderful light moments that had me giggling, Ms. Wood creates a story that has the possibility of happening in the future...."

4 Hearts, sweet! Read the complete review here:


Oh, the Chat link helps, doesn't it?



Remember we're chatting again at Night Owl Romance 8 p.m. Jan 11, and Dark Divas Reviews will have their review of On the Way to New Isosceles live for our guest day there Jan 19! Be on the look out!


You can also find us on Facebook and RSVP to our treats!



Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles

by Leigh Wood

Available NOW from Eternal Press


04 January 2010

Leigh Wood Winter Chat Contest Extravaganza!

Are you chilled by the harsh January winds and dreading thoughts of February snow? Fear not, my Woody peeps!

What better way to stay warm then snuggling up with the toasty laptop or nestling in with the hot hum of the office PC and spending some virtual time with me, Leigh! Stave the winter chills away with some dirty talk about kinky movies, naughty literature and free chances to win an e copy of my Eternal Press science fiction erotica release On the Way to New Isosceles!

Pick your chance to chat with me Leigh Wood and have a chance to win On the Way to New Isosceles-recently dubbed by Fallen Angel Reviews as 'Spontaneous and Spicy'! You can read FAR"s review right here:


Now, about those kinky times and places. Join me and the rest of the Eternal Press Gang for our New Releases Chat 7 to 11 p.m. Jan 7


Of course, if you want me all to yourselves, you've got me 8 p.m Jan 11 at Night Owl Romance!


I know, it's almost too much to handle in one month! If you're not a chatting type of guy or a shy gal, you can also find me hanging this month at several sweet blogs!

1/5 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day

1/7 Eternal Press New Release Party and Chat Fest!

1/11 Leigh Wood Live Chat 8 p.m. at Night Owl Romance!

1/12 EP Author's Blog Paranormal Day

1/19 Leigh Wood Guest Blog Day at Dark Divas

1/19 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Group

1/28 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day

Now, if you're saving your spice for February and all the kinky Valentine magic, you're in luck! Amethyst babies can find me live again at Night Owl and Romance Junkies!

2/1 Eternal Press 8 p.m. Live Chat at Night Owl Romance

2/2 EP Author's Blog Erotica Day
2/3 Eternal Press 9 p.m. Live Chat at Romance Junkies!

More happenings and appearances are being added into Spring now-yes, think of Spring Spice when you think of me! You can stay up to date here on Facebook or check out my blog anytime for the latest reviews for On the Way to New Isosceles!



It's a long, tough journey on the way to New Isosceles, and the animosity between Rub and JJ gets hotter by the day…

JJ was as hard nosed as they come-and then some. But, hey, the destruction of earth did that to everyone. Humanity fractioned into three groups. Affectionately known as 'the Shitters', the Shipper Brigade manufactures the best space faring vehicles for themselves. Skilled fighters and martial artists Combatants like JJ fight the Shippers for what they can-even though Combatant numbers were severely depleted by the third faction. The Nukes rescued chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons from earth's doom and aren't afraid to use them.

You can imagine JJ's surprise when she meets the Nuke Lieutenant Rub. Their initial meeting didn't rub either the right way. Despite her Nuke anxiety-JJ has to put it all aside. Her Captain and the Nuke Colonel have struck a deal to defeat the Shippers once and for all. The Nukes leave their tiny outpost on a far flung, degrading planet and join the Combatants in taking the lush planet protected by the Shippers.

Pick up our ebook or paperback editions at Eternal Press or on Amazon!



Sex in Space, Oh my!

Here's a few more clickable links of all the magical places we're spending our spicy winter!





You'll also notice our complete calendar and other EP dates at the Kristin Battestella Group, too. But also also! You'll see this is the only Yahoo Group that I am continuing my affiliation with in 2010. No more loops for me! So if you want to get down and dirty and talk books with me, Leigh! Do it now!

You can also RSVP for all the action on Facebook here:


02 January 2010

Reviews and More Magic On the Way to New Isosceles!

Wow, 2010 and we have a review for my late 2009 science fiction erotica release from Eternal Press On the Way to New Isosceles! Pips to Fallen Angels Reviews for their 4 Angel praise!


Hot Damn. Yes, I Lost a full 5 Angel Reccomends because I'm a quirky pain in the ass, but if you like my books, you don't have to be a Woody Peep and like me! However, if you do want to chat with my red hair brained self, you have plenty of opportunity to do so this month and beyond!

1/5 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day
1/7 Eternal Press New Release Party and Chat Fest!
1/11 Leigh Wood Live Chat 8 p.m. at Night Owl Romance!
1/12 EP Author's Blog Paranormal Day
1/19 Leigh Wood Guest Blog Day at Dark Divas
1/19 Leigh Wood Guest Day at the Kristin Battestella Group
1/28 Eternal Press Author's Blog Erotica Day
2/1 Eternal Press 8 p.m. Live Chat at Night Owl Romance
2/2 EP Author's Blog Erotica Day
2/3 Eternal Press 9 p.m. Live Chat at Romance Junkies!

February is packed with even more, and now I'm filling into April. It's so weird that two days into 2010, and I'm booked through Spring!

Stay up to date of course with all the EP action at our calendar on the Kristin Battestella Yahoo Group, and remember to hook up with your favorite friend, follow, RSS, subscribe, and whatnot magical virtual connections here, there, and everywhere!





Join me on the sexy, naughty, non stop road On the Way to New Isosceles!


Sex in Space, Oh My!
On the Way to New Isosceles
by Leigh Wood
Available NOW from Eternal Press

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